
Maintenance of Machining Centers You Should Know

Maintenance of Machining Centers You Should Know

2022-07-08 14:05:03

Machining center is a machine and equipment integrating mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, gas and other technologies. It is expensive and has high daily work intensity. Machining center, also known as CNC milling machine, is automatic processing equipment developed based on general milling machine. Simply put, it is a milling machine equipped with a computer operating system. Therefore, it is necessary to have scientific management methods for its maintenance and maintenance, and it is necessary to formulate corresponding rules and regulations purposefully. Next, Xiaobian Chenghai will introduce an effective method - spot check.


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Equipment maintenance based on inspection is a kind of inspection management system developed by Japan based on the preventive maintenance system introduced in the United States. Spot inspection is to carry out fixed-point and regular inspection and maintenance of equipment. The advantage is that it can eliminate the deterioration of the easy-going performance in the bud, and prevent over-repair or under-repair. The disadvantage is that the workload of regular inspection is large. This modern maintenance management system with spot inspection as the core in the equipment operation stage can achieve the purpose of reducing the failure rate and maintenance cost and improving the maintenance efficiency.


Spot inspection of CNC machine tools is the basis for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis, which mainly includes the following contents:


Maintenance of machining centers


  • Fixed point: First, determine how many maintenance points a CNC machine tool has, scientifically analyze the equipment, and pinpoint the parts that may fail. As long as these maintenance points are "watched", faults will be found in time.


  • Calibration: Standards should be formulated for each maintenance point one by one, such as clearance, temperature, pressure, flow, tightness, etc., there must be clear quantitative standards, as long as the specified standards are not exceeded, it is not a failure.


  • Regularly: how often to check once, to determine the check cycle. Some points may be checked several times per shift, and some points may be checked once or every few months. To be determined on a case-by-case basis.


  • Fixed items: The items to be checked at each maintenance point should also be specified. Each point may check one item or several items.


  • Appointment: Who will perform the inspection, whether it is an operator, a maintenance person or a technician, should be assigned to the person according to the inspection site and technical accuracy requirements.


  • Determination: There should also be regulations on how to check, whether it is a manual observation or measuring with instruments, and whether ordinary instruments or precision instruments are used.


  • Inspection: The environment and steps of inspection must be specified, whether it is inspection during production operation or shutdown inspection, whether it is disassembly inspection or no disassembly inspection.


  • Records: The inspections should be recorded in detail and filled in clearly in the prescribed format. It is necessary to fill in the inspection data and the difference between it and the specified standard, the judgment impression, and the processing opinion. The inspector should sign and indicate the inspection time.


  • Handling: Those that can be handled and adjusted during the inspection shall be handled and adjusted in time, and the handling results shall be recorded in the handling records. Those who do not have the ability or conditions to deal with it should report to the relevant personnel in a timely manner and arrange for treatment. However, anyone and any time processing must fill in the processing record.


  • Analysis: The inspection records and processing records should be systematically analyzed on a regular basis to identify weak "maintenance points", that is, points with high failure rates or links with large losses, put forward suggestions, and submit them to designers for improvement.




As a close working partner in our production and life, CNC machine tools should be implemented as a working system, and the normal operation of the machine tool can be ensured by conscientious implementation and perseverance.


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